We have lots of great NY DJs and events coming here this year like the parties Jellybean throws. We also have great events from Victor Franco, Dance.Here.Now., and Justin Carter.
Here are a few of the newest flyers...
Today this is an un-official fan site for Water Taxi Beach. This is not an official site, however, from July of 2005 until Oct of 2008 this was the official water taxi beach blog. The official web site can be found here --> http://www.watertaxibeach.com/
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
April 21
On April 21 we are bring together all of our resident DJs for a show. 10pm to close.. Print the enclosed flyer and use it to get a discount.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
New Beaches and New Season
There is a lot of discussion about our new beaches. We want you to know this will be a great place to learn about what is happening.
It is widely known now that we are opening a beach on Governors' Island and at the South Street Seaport.
Here are some details.
The Governor's Island (WTB/GI) beach will have a sandy beach area plus a live music venue featuring live bands and other live acts Thurs - Sunday. Many nights will also feature DJs after the band. Come for the band, stay for the view and the DJ. There will be food but we are still working on the final menu. Governor's Island is expected to open the week of July 4th. We have a very special DJ set for July 5th.
The beach at south street seaport (WTB/SSS), will open the week of Memorial Day Weekend. This beach will have a sandy area for food and sunning but it will be smaller than the other locations. This beach will feature some interesting activities. We will have ping pong, Skee ball and Mini Golf (9 holes). We will have a lot of interesting food here, including some seafood. That will include a raw bar on the weekends but we are not planning serving any steamed bi-valves.
The beach at Long Island City (WTB/LIC) will have it's first event on April 18th and 26th with Melting Pot Global. We will have events every weekend in May. Our grand re-opening will be Memorial Day Weekend with a special Louie Vega event on Saturday May 23rd ($20 at the door / $10 in advance). We have DJ events every Thurs through Sunday and most Wednesdays as well. Typically the Thurs door fee will be $5, Friday and Saturday will be $10, and Sunday will vary up to $40. Sundays in July and August are FREE. Unless otherwise announced door fees start at 8pm; Sundays in June & Sept the fee and event starts at 1pm
It is widely known now that we are opening a beach on Governors' Island and at the South Street Seaport.
Here are some details.
The Governor's Island (WTB/GI) beach will have a sandy beach area plus a live music venue featuring live bands and other live acts Thurs - Sunday. Many nights will also feature DJs after the band. Come for the band, stay for the view and the DJ. There will be food but we are still working on the final menu. Governor's Island is expected to open the week of July 4th. We have a very special DJ set for July 5th.
The beach at south street seaport (WTB/SSS), will open the week of Memorial Day Weekend. This beach will have a sandy area for food and sunning but it will be smaller than the other locations. This beach will feature some interesting activities. We will have ping pong, Skee ball and Mini Golf (9 holes). We will have a lot of interesting food here, including some seafood. That will include a raw bar on the weekends but we are not planning serving any steamed bi-valves.
The beach at Long Island City (WTB/LIC) will have it's first event on April 18th and 26th with Melting Pot Global. We will have events every weekend in May. Our grand re-opening will be Memorial Day Weekend with a special Louie Vega event on Saturday May 23rd ($20 at the door / $10 in advance). We have DJ events every Thurs through Sunday and most Wednesdays as well. Typically the Thurs door fee will be $5, Friday and Saturday will be $10, and Sunday will vary up to $40. Sundays in July and August are FREE. Unless otherwise announced door fees start at 8pm; Sundays in June & Sept the fee and event starts at 1pm
Sunday, March 22, 2009
2009 Music Season
2009 is shaping up to be something special. With 3 beaches it will mean three times the music. WTB / LIC (Long Island City) will keep playing some great underground house along with some special events produced by Dance Here Now.
At WTB / LIC will have paid music events Thurs - Sunday for entire season (Memorial Day Wkd to Columbus Day Wkd).
Our WTB / LIC 2009 Grand Opening is Memorial Day Weekend
Our Water Taxi Beach Long Island City line-up is shaping up as follows:
Aint' Nothin' but A House Party w/ Jellybean Benitez May 3
Victor Franco & Friends
May 9, 16, 23, 30 - June 6, 13
System Audible Mother Love (Mother's Day), May 10
Chus and Ceballos May 17
Victor Franco and Friends plus special guest Louie Vega May 23
Boris May 31
Danny Tenaglia June 14
Sander Kleinenberg June 28
Rob's Big Gay Party, All Day Monday June 29
Victor Franco & Friends September 12, 19, 25, -
October 3, 10
At WTB / LIC will have paid music events Thurs - Sunday for entire season (Memorial Day Wkd to Columbus Day Wkd).
Our WTB / LIC 2009 Grand Opening is Memorial Day Weekend
Our Water Taxi Beach Long Island City line-up is shaping up as follows:
Aint' Nothin' but A House Party w/ Jellybean Benitez May 3
Victor Franco & Friends
May 9, 16, 23, 30 - June 6, 13
System Audible Mother Love (Mother's Day), May 10
Chus and Ceballos May 17
Victor Franco and Friends plus special guest Louie Vega May 23
Boris May 31
Danny Tenaglia June 14
Sander Kleinenberg June 28
Rob's Big Gay Party, All Day Monday June 29
Victor Franco & Friends September 12, 19, 25, -
October 3, 10
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Motorul electric si miscarea de rotatie
Probabil ca ati
observat ca foarte multe dintre aparatele pe care le folosim zi de zi se
rotesc, sau mai bine zis au la baza miscarea de rotatie: de la mixerele pe care
le folosim in bucatarie, la ventilatoare, fie ele de mari dimensiuni ,utilizate
in circularea aerului in camere sau de dimensiuni foarte mici, precum sunt cele
care racesc componentele
calculatoarelor. Nu va lasati insa inselati, si alte dispozitive si masinarii a
caror miscare are loc pe verticala sau pe orizontala au in spatele lor tot o miscare
de rotatie, niste componente de mici dimensiuni care sunt rotite in constant.
Un exemplu pentru
o astfel de miscare intr-un plan drept sunt benzile transportoare. Benzile muta
materie prima (nisip, pietris), aparatura(componente care urmeaza sa fie
asamblate in cadrul unei fabrici) sau persoane (scarile rulante din interiorul
unui centru comercial) dintr-un punct in altul pe orizontala. Desi planul
miscarea are loc pe un plan drept, benzile functioneaza datorita miscarii de
rotatie. Banda propriu zisa este infasurata pe doi sau mai multi cilindri.
Acelasi lucru se
intampla si cu lifturile care se deplaseaza pe verticala si care transporta pe
verticala materiale sau persoane intre etajele unei cladiri. Mecanismul lor
consta intr-un tambur, care prin rotire infasoara sau desfasoara cablul sau
lantul de care este suspendata cabina, ridicand-o sau coborand-o cu fiecare
De unde vine
aceasta miscare de rotatie si de ce a fost ea aleasa? Raspunsul este simplu. In
spatele miscarii sta unul dintre cele mai raspandite masini din lume: motorul
Un motor electric
este o masina electromecanica care transforma energia electrica in energie
mecanica si joaca rolul de interfata intre sistemele electrice si cele
mecanice. Motoarele electrice sunt o componenta importanta a tuturor sistemelor
electrice si sunt folosite in toata lumea in aproape toate domeniile: in
fabrici, in spatiile comerciale, in birouri si chiar acasa. In ansamblu, acest
tip de motoare consuma aproximativ 60% din totalul electricitatii produse la
nivel global.
Asa cum va puteti
imagina suntem tot timpul inconjurati de electromotoare si, de fapt, aproape
toate miscarile mecanice care se petrec in aceasta clipa in jurul nostrul au la
baza actiunea unui astfel de dispozitiv.
Exista mai multe variante
si tipuri de motoare electrice, fiecare proiectata pentru a servi
anumitor scopuri. Din punct de vedere al clasificarii ele pot fi impartite in
functie de tipul de energie electrica pe care il folosesc in: motoare de curent
continuu si motoare de curent alternativ. La randul lor aceste doua categorii
pot fi separate dupa modul de functionare(cu perii sau fara perii, cu magneti
permanenti, sincrone sau a sincrone, trifazice, etc.) si dupa rolul pe care il
joaca (antiexplozive, de inalta tensiune, etc.).
electrice au la baza principiile fundamentale ale electromagnetismului. Trecand
un curent electric printr-un conductor obtinem un electromagnet, acesta avand
toate proprietatile si caracteristicile magnetilor naturali, atata timp cat
este alimentat cu electricitate. Asa cum probabil stiti, una din aceste
proprietati ale magnetilor este ca daca apropiem doi magneti diferiti, polii
opusi se vor atrage, iar cei identici se vor respinge. Ghidandu-ne dupa aceste
principii, putem introduce un astfel de electromagnet, in campul magnetic creat
de un alt electromagnet sau de un magnet permanent. Poli celor doi se vor
atrage si se vor respinge succesiv, iar daca lasam unul dintre cei doi magneti
liber si il fixam pe al doilea se va crea o miscare continua de rotatie pe
durata alimentarii cu energie electrica.
Din punct de
vedere al constructiei, toate motoarele au cateva componente in comun: rotorul,
statorul si intrefierul. Rotorul este, asa cum sugereaza numele, partea
rotativa a motorului, el este cel care, sub influenta statorului livreaza, prin
intermediul unui ax miscarea de rotatie dupa ce aceasta a fost transformata din
energie electrica. Statorul este partea stationara a motorului, fiind formata
fie dintr-un magnet permanent fie dintr-un electromagnet. Rolul statorului este
de a crea un camp magnetic sub influenta caruia rotorul sa fie pus in miscare.
A treia componenta este intrefierului, care este reprezentat de spatiul liber
dintre celelalte doua componente. Desi poate parea mai putin important, volumul
de aer dintre componente afecteaza in mod semnificativ performantele motorului.
Una dintre
trasaturile native ale motoarelor electrice este viteza foarte mare a acestora.
Ele pot dezvolta de la 750 rpm, 1000 rpm, 1500 rpm, 3000 rpm sau chiar sute de
mii de rotatii pe minut, cum este cazul instrumentelor medicale dentare. In cazul
benzilor transportoare si ale lifturilor, aceasta viteza ridicata poate crea
probleme punand in pericol siguranta pasagerilor si a marfurilor transportate.
Solutia vine din martea motoreductoarelor masini care au rolul de a reduce
viteza ridicata a motoarelor crescand in acelasi timp puterea acestora
(cuplul), fapt ce le permite sa lucreze cu sarcini mult mai mari.
Este usor de
inteles ca datorita versatilitatii lor, motoarele electrice sunt atat de raspandite
si atat de des folosite. La noi in tara, cel mai important nume cand vine vorba
de motoare electrice este Braco MES, o companie cu experienta indelungata in
constructia si repararea motoarelor si un profesionalism care a ajutat-o sa se
plaseze in topul domeniului sau de activitate.
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